Phone Number

This section contains a reference to a full list of parameters provided returned by Trustfull,
You can use this data catalogue as a reference in interpreting fields provided in our API responses.

General Data

customer_idCustomer id provided during the API call
resolution_idResolution id which identifies user document within TRUSTFULL.
device_request_timeThe Date Time when the request was made
webhook_urlThe URL from which the call originated from

Phone Signals

phone_valuestringThe phone number of the user provided during the API call

Ex: 39354789865
phone_typestringDEPRECATED: use number_type this will be remove on the 2.0 version of the API

Indicates the phone type of the phone number provided is mobile or landline

Ex: mobile
phone_is_disposablebooleanIndicates if the phone number belongs to a temporary phone service provider

Ex: true
phone_disposable_provider_namestringWhen detected indicates the temporary phone service provider

phone_is_suspicious_formatbooleanIndicates if the phone number you provided has a suspicious format

Ex: false
phone_is_valid_formatbooleanIndicates if the phone number you provided has a valid format

Ex: true
phone_country_codestringThe country code of the location of the original network, in ISO3361 alpha-2

Ex: ES

Enum: AB, AD, AE, AF, AG, AI, AL, AM, AO, AQ, ...
phone_is_portedbooleanWill indicate if the number has been ported from its Original Network to a different Current Network

Ex: true
phone_original_networkstringThe network operator that the number was originally assigned to

Ex: Vodafone Italia S.p.A
phone_current_networkstringAn arbitrary string specifying the current network operator name of the inspected phone number

Ex: Fastweb - full mvno TIM
phone_has_whatsappbooleanIf the phone number is associated with a WhatsApp profile

Ex: true
phone_whatsapp_imagestringIf the phone number is associated with a WhatsApp profile

phone_whatsapp_privacy_statusstringIndicates if the WhatsApp account is public or private

Ex: public

Enum: public, private
phone_has_telegrambooleanIndicates if the owner of the phone number provided has a Telegram profile

Ex: true
phone_telegram_imagestringA public URL containing the Telegram profile picture

phone_telegram_first_namestringWill indicate the first name registered in the Telegram profile page

Ex: John
phone_telegram_last_namestringWill indicate the last name registered in the Telegram profile page

Ex: Smith
phone_telegram_usernamestringWill indicate the username registered in the Telegram profile page

Ex: john.smith
phone_telegram_privacy_statusstringIndicates the visibility of the user Telegram profile

Ex: public

Enum: public, private
phone_scoreintegerA number ranging from 0 to 1000 represents the quality of the phone number

Ex: 900
phone_score_clusterstringA cluster summarizing the quality of the phone number

Ex: very_high

Enum: very_low, low, review, high, very_high
phone_first_portedstringA string in the format YYYY-MM-DD indicates the first portability event

Ex: 2017-01-01
phone_last_portedstringA string in the format YYYY-MM-DD indicates the last portability event

Ex: 2020-02-02
phone_ported_timesintegerWill indicate the number of times this phone number changed network operator

Ex: 5
phone_number_typestringIndicates the type of phone number:

- FIXED_LINE: A fixed line phone number
- MOBILE: A mobile phone number
- FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE: A phone number that could be either fixed line or mobile
- TOLL_FREE: A toll-free phone number
- PREMIUM_RATE: A phone number that charges premium rates
- SHARED_COST: A phone number that shares the cost between caller and recipient
- VOIP: A phone number that uses voice-over IP technology
- PERSONAL_NUMBER: A personal phone number
- PAGER: A pager number
- UAN: A universal access number
- UNKNOWN: An unknown phone number type
- EMERGENCY: An emergency phone number
- VOICEMAIL: A voicemail number
- SHORT_CODE: A short code number
- STANDARD_RATE: A phone number that charges standard rates


phone_caller_typestringIndicates the caller type, consumer or business


phone_caller_company_namestringIndicates the company name if the caller type is business

Ex: ACME Srl
phone_has_amazonbooleanIf the phone number provided has been found on Amazon

Ex: true
phone_has_googlebooleanIf the phone number provided has been found on Google

Ex: true
phone_has_office365booleanIf the phone number provided has been found on Office365

Ex: true
phone_has_instagrambooleanIf the phone number provided has been found on Instagram

Ex: true
phone_first_namestringIndicates the first name of the phone number owner

Ex: Tony
phone_last_namestringIndicates the last name of the phone number owner

Ex: Stark
phone_birth_datestringIndicates the birth date of the phone number owner

Ex: 03-01-2018
phone_image_sourcestringThe social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture:

- telegram
- whatsapp
- skype

Ex: whatsapp

Enum: telegram, whatsapp, skype
phone_image_labelsstringList of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on. For more information about image labels you can go to Image Labels

Ex: Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|...
phone_face1_labelsstringList of labels associated with the first face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_face1_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the first face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_face1_age_rangestringAge range of the first face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_face1_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the first face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_face1_celebrity_namestringWhen the first face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_face2_labelsstringList of labels associated with the second face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_face2_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the second face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_face2_age_rangestringAge range of the second face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_face2_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the second face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_face2_celebrity_namestringWhen the second face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_face3_labelsstringList of labels associated with the third face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_face3_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the third face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_face3_age_rangestringAge range of the third face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_face3_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the third face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_face3_celebrity_namestringWhen the third face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_has_facebookbooleanIndicates if the phone have been found in facebook

Ex: true
phone_data_breaches_countintegerThe total number of data breaches recorded for this phone number

Ex: 5
phone_data_breaches_first_breachstringIf a data breach has been found, indicates the date of the first data breach

Ex: 2005-01-01
phone_data_breaches_last_breachstringIf a data breach has been found, indicates the date of the last data breach

Ex: 2023-01-02
phone_data_breaches_liststringList of the first 10 data breaches, including data breach name and date

Ex: Databreach#1,2016-10-13|Databreach#2,2021-05-10|Databreach#3,2023-01-01
phone_has_linkedinbooleanIndicates if the phone have been found in linkedin

phone_has_twitterbooleanIndicates if the phone have been found in twitter

Ex: true
phone_has_skypebooleanEqual to true if the phone is linked or has a Skype account

Ex: true
phone_skype_profile_picturestringA public URL containing the Skype profile picture

phone_skype_citystringThe name of the city registered in the Skype account

Ex: Milan
phone_skype_country_codestringThe international country code registered in the Skype account, in ISO3166 alpha-2

Ex: IT

Enum: AB, AD, AE, AF, AG, AI, AL, AM, AO, AQ, ...
phone_skype_countrystringThe name of the country registered in the Skype account

Ex: Lombardy
phone_skype_statestringThe name of the state registered in the Skype account

Ex: Italy
phone_skype_namestringThe name of the user registered in the Skype account

Ex: Mario
phone_skype_idstringThe skype username of the account associated to the phone

Ex: live:cid1234567
phone_phone_partials_countintegerContains the number of partial phone numbers linked to the phone number

Ex: 1
phone_phone_partials_liststringContains the aggregated partial phone numbers linked to the phone number

Ex: *58
phone_email_partials_countintegerContains the number of partial email address linked to the phone number

Ex: 2
phone_email_partials_liststringContains the aggregated partial email address linked to the phone number

Ex: t*@g**.,t.s**@g**.***
phone_has_flipkartbooleanIndicates if the phone have been found on Flipkart

Ex: true
phone_reason_codesstringComma separated risk and trust signal for the product phone.
For more information about reason codes you can go to Reason Codes

Ex: TP001,RP001
phone_has_viberbooleanIndicates if the phone have been found on Viber

Ex: true
phone_viber_last_seenintegerThe distance in days between the last access to Viber and the date of decoration

Ex: 1
phone_viber_full_namestringThe name of the user registered in the Viber account

Ex: Mario
phone_has_bukalapakbooleanIndicates if the phone have been found on Bukalapak

Ex: true
phone_bukalapak_has_whatsapp_otpbooleanEqual to true if the Bukalapak account is linked with a Whatsapp account

Ex: true
phone_has_applebooleanIndicates if the phone have been found on Apple

Ex: true
phone_is_whatsapp_businessbooleanIf the phone number is associated with a WhatsApp Business profile

Ex: true
phone_whatsapp_business_emailstringContains the email address linked to the WhatsApp Business profile

Ex: [email protected]
phone_whatsapp_business_categorystringContains the category of the business linked to the WhatsApp Business profile

Ex: Technology
phone_whatsapp_business_descriptionstringContains the description of the business linked to the WhatsApp Business profile

Ex: We are a technology company
phone_whatsapp_business_products_review_statusstringIndicates the review status of the product linked to the WhatsApp Business profile

phone_whatsapp_business_products_price_avgnumberIndicates the average price of the products linked to the WhatsApp Business profile

Ex: 55000
phone_whatsapp_business_products_price_stdnumberIndicates the standard deviation of the products linked to the WhatsApp Business profile

Ex: 0.0
phone_whatsapp_business_products_currenciesstringIndicates the currencies of the products linked to the WhatsApp Business profile

phone_image2_sourcestringThe social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture:

- telegram
- whatsapp
- skype

Ex: whatsapp

Enum: telegram, whatsapp, skype
phone_image2_labelsstringList of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on.
List of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on. For more information about image labels you can go to Image Labels

Ex: Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|...
phone_image2_face1_labelsstringList of labels associated with the first face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_image2_face1_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the first face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_image2_face1_age_rangestringAge range of the first face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_image2_face1_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the first face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_image2_face1_celebrity_namestringWhen the first face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_image2_face2_labelsstringList of labels associated with the second face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_image2_face2_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the second face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_image2_face2_age_rangestringAge range of the second face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_image2_face2_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the second face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_image2_face2_celebrity_namestringWhen the second face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_image2_face3_labelsstringList of labels associated with the third face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_image2_face3_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the third face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_image2_face3_age_rangestringAge range of the third face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_image2_face3_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the third face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_image2_face3_celebrity_namestringWhen the third face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_image3_sourcestringThe social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture:

- telegram
- whatsapp
- skype

Ex: whatsapp

Enum: telegram, whatsapp, skype
phone_image3_labelsstringList of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on.
List of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on. For more information about image labels you can go to Image Labels

Ex: Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|...
phone_image3_face1_labelsstringList of labels associated with the first face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_image3_face1_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the first face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_image3_face1_age_rangestringAge range of the first face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_image3_face1_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the first face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_image3_face1_celebrity_namestringWhen the first face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_image3_face2_labelsstringList of labels associated with the second face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_image3_face2_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the second face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_image3_face2_age_rangestringAge range of the second face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_image3_face2_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the second face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_image3_face2_celebrity_namestringWhen the second face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_image3_face3_labelsstringList of labels associated with the third face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|"

Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323
phone_image3_face3_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the third face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_image3_face3_age_rangestringAge range of the third face found in the photo

Ex: 12-16
phone_image3_face3_is_celebritybooleanIndicates whether the third face found in the photo matches a known celebrity

Ex: true
phone_image3_face3_celebrity_namestringWhen the third face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name

Ex: Robert Downey Jr.
phone_statusstringDEPRECATED: This will be removed on the 2.0 version of the API.

Use the score or score_cluster field:
- If score < 450 the phone number is likely to be NOT connected. Alternatively use score_cluster with values poor and bad.
- If score >= 450 the phone number is likely to be connected. Alternatively use score_cluster with values moderate good and high.

- connected: indicates that the number is valid and the target handset is currently connected to the network (and reachable)
- syntax: the phone number contains invalid characters, typos, or is formally incorrect
- invalid: indicates that the number is not currently assigned to any subscriber on the network or otherwise invalid
- unknown: indicates that the connectivity status could not be determined and the connectivity status is unknown.
This can be caused by invalid numbers, due to lack of connectivity to the target network operator, or other exceptions and errors.

Ex: connected

Enum: syntax, connected, disposable, unknown, invalid
phone_is_validbooleanDEPRECATED: This will be removed on the 2.0 version of the API.

Use the score or score_cluster field:
- If score < 450 the phone number is likely to be NOT connected. Alternatively use score_cluster with values poor and bad.
- If score >= 450 the phone number is likely to be connected. Alternatively use score_cluster with values moderate good and high.

Indicates if the phone number you provided is valid

Ex: true
phone_identity_device_countintegerThe number of devices associated with this phone number

Ex: 2
phone_identity_email_countintegerThe number of email addresses associated with this phone number

Ex: 2
phone_identity_ip_countintegerThe number of ip addresses associated with this phone number

Ex: 2
phone_identity_name_countintegerThe number of names associated with this phone number

Ex: 2
phone_faces_similarity1booleanIndicates whether the detected faces in the first group are considered a match.

Ex: true
phone_faces_similarity1_image1stringThe URL of the first image in the pair being compared.

Ex: https://...
phone_faces_similarity1_image2stringThe URL of the second image in the pair being compared.

Ex: https://...
phone_faces_similarity1_image1_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the face in the first image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top.

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_faces_similarity1_image2_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the face in the second image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top.

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_faces_similarity2booleanIndicates whether the detected faces in the second group are considered a match.

Ex: true
phone_faces_similarity2_image1stringThe URL of the first image in the pair being compared.

Ex: https://...
phone_faces_similarity2_image2stringThe URL of the second image in the pair being compared.

Ex: https://...
phone_faces_similarity2_image1_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the face in the first image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top.

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_faces_similarity2_image2_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the face in the second image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top.

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_faces_similarity3booleanIndicates whether the detected faces in the third group are considered a match.

Ex: true
phone_faces_similarity3_image1stringThe URL of the first image in the pair being compared.

Ex: https://...
phone_faces_similarity3_image2stringThe URL of the second image in the pair being compared.

Ex: https://...
phone_faces_similarity3_image1_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the face in the first image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top.

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_faces_similarity3_image2_bounding_boxstringCoordinates of the face in the second image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top.

Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12
phone_has_snapchatbooleanIndicates if the phone number is associated with a Snapchat account

Ex: true
phone_first_seenstringThe earliest date our system has on record for the phone number.

Ex: 2019-05-20
phone_to_namestringA json string representing the most likely name extracted across all the sources of the phone number.

Ex: {"first_name":"tony", "last_name":"Stark", "confidence": "HIGH"}

For more information about how to perform an api call you can go to Phone API