IP Address
This section contains a reference to a full list of parameters returned by Trustfull,
You can use this data catalogue as a reference in interpreting fields provided in our API responses.
General Data
Name | Description |
customer_id | Customer id provided during the API call |
resolution_id | Resolution id which identifies user document within TRUSTFULL. |
device_request_time | The Date Time when the request was made |
webhook_url | The URL from which the call originated from |
Ip Signals
Name | Type | Description |
ip_value | string | The IP address provided during the API call, can either be an ipv4 or ipv6 Ex: |
ip_city | string | The city associated to the IP address of the customer Ex: Milan |
ip_connection_speed | string | Internet connection speed associated to the ip address: - company/T1 - broadband/cable/fiber - mobile Ex: company/T1 Enum: company/T1, broadband/cable/fiber, mobile |
ip_connection_type | string | Usage type classification of ISP or company: - Commercial - Content Delivery Network - Fixed Line - Mobile ISP - Reserved - University / College / School Ex: Reserved Enum: Commercial, Content Delivery Network, Fixed Line, Mobile ISP, Reserved, University / College / School |
ip_country | string | The name of the country where the IP Address is located, ISO 3166 alpha-2 Ex: IT Enum: AB, AD, AE, AF, AG, AI, AL, AM, AO, AQ, ... |
ip_lat | string | The latitude for where place where the IP Address is located Ex: 55.7522 |
ip_lon | string | The longitude for where place where the IP Address is located Ex: 37.6156 |
ip_isp | string | The service provider used by the customer's device to access the internet Ex: Fastweb |
ip_timezone | string | The exact current time in the Timezone the IP address belongs to Ex: CET |
ip_request_time | string | Time of the day the user is requesting your service Ex: night Enum: morning, afternoon, evening, night |
ip_zip | string | The Postal Code for where the IP Address is located Ex: 20124 |
ip_is_mobile | boolean | Indicates whether an IP address is associated with a mobile connection Ex: true |
ip_is_vpn | boolean | Indicates whether an IP address is under a VPN Ex: true |
ip_vpn_name | string | If the IP address is a VPN, it is the name of the VPN provider Ex: NordVPN |
ip_is_proxy | boolean | Indicates whether an IP address is coming from a proxy Ex: true |
ip_proxy_name | string | When the IP address is a Proxy, indicates the name of the Proxy provider Ex: Bright Data Enum: Bright Data, Smartproxy, Oxylabs, Netnut, Webshare, GoProxy |
ip_proxy_type | string | When the IP address is a Proxy, indicates the type of Proxy Ex: datacenter Enum: datacenter, residential |
ip_is_tor | boolean | Indicates whether an IP address is associated to a TOR node Ex: true |
ip_is_relay | boolean | Indicates whether an IP address configured to act as relay Ex: true |
ip_is_hosting | boolean | Indicates whether an IP address is a hosting provider Ex: true |
ip_score | integer | A number ranging from 0 to 1000 represents the quality of the IP information detected Ex: 649 |
ip_score_cluster | string | A cluster summarizing the quality of the IP address Ex: very_high Enum: very_low, low, review, high, very_high |
ip_black_list_count | integer | The number of providers that have flagged this IP as spam Ex: 5 |
ip_company_domain | string | The name of the domain of the company that owns the domain, if found Ex: google.com |
ip_company_name | string | The name of the company the user works for, contains the full name Ex: Apple |
ip_company_description | string | A verbose description description of the company the user works for Ex: Apple Inc. is an American... |
ip_company_industry | string | Indicates the industry/sector of the company using a standard taxonomy Ex: Internet Software & Services |
ip_company_employees | integer | Indicates the number of employees of the company Ex: 1750 |
ip_company_founded | integer | Indicates the year when the company was founded Ex: 2014 |
ip_company_keywords | string | A list of keywords used in the company description Ex: smartphone,tech |
ip_company_annual_revenue | integer | Indicates our proprietary estimated annual revenue range for company Ex: 32500000 |
ip_company_logo | string | An url linking to the the logo of the company associated to the ip address Ex: https://... |
ip_company_country | string | Indicates the full country name of the company headquarter Ex: Italy |
ip_company_twitter_url | string | Provides a link to the company twitter account, links is always pointing to twitter domain Ex: https://... |
ip_company_facebook_url | string | Provides the Facebook url of the company, links is always pointing to facebook domain Ex: https://... |
ip_company_linkedin_url | string | Provides the Linkedin url of the company, links is always pointing to linkedin domain Ex: https://... |
ip_company_total_funding | integer | Provides the total amount of funding raised by company Ex: https://... |
ip_company_tech_stack | string | Indicates the set of technologies uses by the company Ex: JavaScript |
ip_reason_codes | string | Comma separated risk and trust signal for the product ip. For more information about reason codes you can go to Reason Codes Ex: TP001,RP001 |
ip_identity_device_count | integer | The number of devices associated with this ip address Ex: 2 |
ip_identity_email_count | integer | The number of email addresses associated with this ip address Ex: 2 |
ip_identity_msisdn_count | integer | The number of phones associated with this ip address Ex: 2 |
ip_identity_name_count | integer | The number of names associated with this ip address Ex: 2 |
ip_remote_desktop_enable | boolean | Indicates if the IP is enabled to accept connections from common remote desktop software Ex: true |
ip_xbl_count | integer | The number of times this IP address has been reported in a Exploits Blocklist (XBL) Ex: 2 |
ip_css_count | integer | The number of times this IP address has been reported in a Combined Spam Sources (CSS) Ex: 3 |
ip_xbl_in_days | integer | The how many days has passed since the most recent report in a Exploits Blocklist (XBL). Recency indicates more accurate data. Ex: 2 |
ip_css_in_days | integer | The how many days has passed since the most recent report in a Combined Spam Source (CSS). Recency indicates more accurate data. Ex: 0 |
ip_is_valid_format | boolean | Indicates if the IP is in an accepted ipv4 or ipv6 format Ex: true |
For more information about how to perform an api call you can go to IP API
Updated 15 days ago