Email Address
Trustfull's API endpoints are quite flexible and you can request a range of services from a single endpoint
One of the possible use cases is Email Address Analytics
What is Email Address Analytics?
Email Address Analytics is a product that combines advanced email validation, data enrichment, and a specific AI model all based on a single touch point, the email number.
following an example of a Email Address Analytics
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: [your_app_key]' \
--data '
"customer_id": "your_customer_id",
"claims": [
"email": "[email protected]"
Following an example of the response:
"resolution_id": "...",
"customer_id": "...",
"device_request_time": "...",
"webhook_url": "...",
"claims": [
"value": "[email protected]",
"status": "deliverable",
"is_disposable": true,
"disposable_provider_name": "",
"is_role": true,
"is_spamtrap": true,
"is_free": true,
"domain": "Gmail",
"first_name": "Tony",
"last_name": "Stark",
"education": "Cambridge University",
"has_twitter": true,
"has_amazon": true,
"has_linkedin": true,
"has_instagram": true,
"has_airbnb": true,
"has_spotify": true,
"has_deliveroo": true,
"has_pinterest": true,
"has_office365": true,
"has_hubspot": true,
"has_wordpress": true,
"avatar": "https://...",
"domain_age": 365,
"domain_mx_is_valid": true,
"domain_mx_provider": "",
"domain_registrar": "MarkMonitor, Inc.",
"domain_registered_to": "Google LLC",
"score": 649,
"score_cluster": "very_high",
"company_name": "Apple",
"company_description": "Apple Inc. is an American...",
"company_industry": "Internet Software & Services",
"company_employees": 1750,
"company_job_title": "Sales Manager",
"company_founded": 2014,
"company_keywords": "smartphone,tech",
"company_annual_revenue": 17630000000,
"company_logo": "https://...",
"company_country": "Italy",
"company_twitter_url": "https://...",
"company_facebook_url": "https://...",
"company_linkedin_url": "https://...",
"company_total_funding": "https://...",
"company_tech_stack": "JavaScript",
"employment": "JavaScript",
"domain_website_exists": true,
"domain_website_exists_taxonomy": "TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_EXISTS",
"domain_website_exists_ssl": true,
"account_length": 10,
"account_dots_count": 1,
"account_numbers_count": 0,
"account_letters_count": 9,
"account_symbols_count": 1,
"account_vowels_count": 3,
"account_consonants_count": 6,
"account_dots_ratio": 0.1,
"account_numbers_ratio": 0,
"account_letters_ratio": 0.9,
"account_symbols_ratio": 0.1,
"account_vowels_ratio": 0.3,
"account_consonants_ratio": 0.6,
"contains_first_name": true,
"contains_last_name": true,
"parsed_first_name": "Tony",
"parsed_last_name": "Stark",
"parsed_name_is_valid": true,
"parsed_name_risk_type": "FICTIONAL",
"did_you_mean": "[email protected]",
"has_stop_words": true,
"has_facebook": true,
"has_apple": true,
"has_ebay": true,
"has_disney_plus": true,
"data_breaches_count": 0,
"data_breaches_first_breach": "2020-01-02",
"data_breaches_last_breach": "2020-01-02",
"data_breaches_list": "Databreach#1,2016-10-13|Databreach#2,2021-05-10|...",
"data_breaches_data": "[{\"id\":\"41720\",\"date\":\"2023-03-09\",\"title\":\"Sensitive Source\"},{\"id\":\"40870\",\"date\":\"2023-01-06\",\"title\":\"Deezer\"},{\"id\":\"37248\",\"date\":\"2021-03-04\",\"title\":\"Sensitive Source\"},{\"id\":\"18023\",\"date\":\"2020-09-17\",\"title\":\"Scraped Gravatar Profiles\"},{\"id\":\"17871\",\"date\":\"2020-08-13\",\"title\":\"\\\"AntiPub Drugs Squad\\\" Combolist\"},{\"id\":\"16296\",\"date\":\"2018-11-29\",\"title\":\"Sensitive Source\"},{\"id\":\"259\",\"date\":\"2017-03-15\",\"title\":\"GeekedIn\"},{\"id\":\"407\",\"names\":[{\"first_name\":\"Peter\",\"last_name\":\"Parker\"},{\"first_name\":\"Tony\",\"last_name\":\"Stark\"}],\"phones\":[\"393493333333\",\"393493333334\"],\"date\":\"2017-01-16\",\"title\":\"GeckoVPN,| SuperVPN\"}]",
"data_breaches_data_lists": "{\"names\":[{\"first_name\":\"Peter\",\"last_name\":\"Parker\",\"count\":1},{\"first_name\":\"Tony\",\"last_name\":\"Stark\",\"count\":1}],\"emails\":[],\"phones\":[{\"value\":\"393493333333\",\"count\":1},{\"value\":\"393493333334\",\"count\":1}]}s",
"has_paypal": true,
"has_binance": true,
"has_google": true,
"google_profile_picture": "",
"google_id": "000000000000000000000",
"google_first_name": "Tony",
"google_last_name": "Stark",
"google_last_edit": "1683970126896",
"google_active_services_count": "3",
"google_active_services_list": "PHOTOS,MAPS,NEWS_360",
"google_reviews_count": "4",
"google_review_link": "",
"google_location": "Milan",
"linkedin_profile_page": "",
"has_yahoo": true,
"has_skype": true,
"skype_profile_picture": "",
"skype_city": "Milan",
"skype_country_code": "IT",
"skype_country": "Lombardy",
"skype_state": "Italy",
"skype_name": "Mario",
"skype_id": "live:cid1234567",
"has_gravatar": true,
"gravatar_profile_picture": "",
"gravatar_first_name": "Tony",
"gravatar_last_name": "Stark",
"gravatar_username": "iron",
"gravatar_city": "Milan",
"phone_partials_count": 1,
"phone_partials_list": "*********58",
"email_partials_count": 2,
"email_partials_list": "t***@g****.***,t***.s****@g****.***",
"image_source": "google",
"image_labels": "Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|...",
"face1_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"face1_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"face1_age_range": "12-16",
"face1_is_celebrity": true,
"face1_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"face2_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"face2_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"face2_age_range": "12-16",
"face2_is_celebrity": true,
"face2_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"face3_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"face3_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"face3_age_range": "12-16",
"face3_is_celebrity": true,
"face3_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"image2_source": "google",
"image2_labels": "Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|...",
"image2_face1_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"image2_face1_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"image2_face1_age_range": "12-16",
"image2_face1_is_celebrity": true,
"image2_face1_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"image2_face2_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"image2_face2_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"image2_face2_age_range": "12-16",
"image2_face2_is_celebrity": true,
"image2_face2_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"image2_face3_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"image2_face3_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"image2_face3_age_range": "12-16",
"image2_face3_is_celebrity": true,
"image2_face3_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"image3_source": "google",
"image3_labels": "Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|...",
"image3_face1_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"image3_face1_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"image3_face1_age_range": "12-16",
"image3_face1_is_celebrity": true,
"image3_face1_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"image3_face2_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"image3_face2_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"image3_face2_age_range": "12-16",
"image3_face2_is_celebrity": true,
"image3_face2_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"image3_face3_labels": "label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323",
"image3_face3_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"image3_face3_age_range": "12-16",
"image3_face3_is_celebrity": true,
"image3_face3_celebrity_name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"reason_codes": "TP001,RP001",
"google_name_is_valid": true,
"google_name_risk_type": "OTHER",
"google_name_gender": "F",
"has_duolingo": true,
"duolingo_has_google_id": true,
"duolingo_has_facebook_id": true,
"identity_device_count": 2,
"identity_ip_count": 2,
"identity_msisdn_count": 2,
"identity_name_count": 2,
"has_booking": true,
"has_samsung": true,
"has_atlassian": true,
"has_lastpass": true,
"has_adobe": true,
"has_freelancer": true,
"faces_similarity1": true,
"faces_similarity1_image1": "https://...",
"faces_similarity1_image2": "https://...",
"faces_similarity1_image1_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"faces_similarity1_image2_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"faces_similarity2": true,
"faces_similarity2_image1": "https://...",
"faces_similarity2_image2": "https://...",
"faces_similarity2_image1_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"faces_similarity2_image2_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"faces_similarity3": true,
"faces_similarity3_image1": "https://...",
"faces_similarity3_image2": "https://...",
"faces_similarity3_image1_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"faces_similarity3_image2_bounding_box": "0.93,0.23,10,12",
"first_seen": "2019-05-20",
"domain_internal_links_count": 4,
"domain_external_links_count": 8,
"domain_internal_email_links_count": 15,
"domain_external_email_links_count": 16,
"domain_internal_images_count": 23,
"domain_external_images_count": 42,
"domain_page_size": 1057,
"to_name": "{\"first_name\":\"tony\", \"last_name\":\"Stark\", \"confidence\": \"HIGH\"}",
"has_image_reverse_search": "ALL",
"image_reverse_search": "",
"image_reverse_search_source": "google",
"image2_reverse_search": "",
"image2_reverse_search_source": "google",
"image3_reverse_search": "",
"image3_reverse_search_source": "google"
The following fields can be found under the "email" object
name | type |
value | string The email of the user provided during the API call Ex: [email protected] |
status | string - deliverable: verified as a real address - invalid: verified as invalid - unknown: The server cannot be reached, or there is no way to determine the status of the email - syntax_error: Invalid due to possible spelling error - typo: The email address is invalid, likely due to a typo - accept-all: Not bouncing but cannot verify if the account is active - disposable: Verified as a temporary email address - spam-trap: Verified as an inactive email address - spam_track: Alias to spam-trap Ex: deliverable Enum: deliverable,invalid,unknown,accept_all,disposable,typo,spam-trap,spam_track,syntax_error |
is_disposable | boolean Indicates if the email account belongs to a temporary email service provider Ex: true |
disposable_provider_name | string When detected indicates the temporary email service provider Ex: |
is_role | boolean DEPRECATED Indicates the email account role based email address Ex: true |
is_spamtrap | boolean Indicates the email account is a spam trap. Spam traps are email addresses used by (ISPs) and blocklist operators to identify senders who are not following email best practices Ex: true |
is_free | boolean Indicates the email account belongs to a free service provider. If false, the email account belongs to a company or paying individual Ex: true |
domain | string The domain name associated with the email address of the user Ex: Gmail |
first_name | string The first name of the user comes from a social network (Linkedin, Twitter) Ex: Tony |
last_name | string The last name of the user comes from a social network (Linkedin, Twitter) Ex: Stark |
education | string The name of the school the user declared to have attended on social networks Ex: Cambridge University |
has_twitter | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Twitter account Ex: true |
has_amazon | boolean Equal to true if the user has an Amazon shopping account Ex: true |
has_linkedin | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Linkedin account Ex: true |
has_instagram | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Instagram account Ex: true |
has_airbnb | boolean DEPRECATED Equal to true if the user has a AirBnB account Ex: true |
has_spotify | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Spotify account Ex: true |
has_deliveroo | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Deliveroo account Ex: true |
has_pinterest | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Pinterest account Ex: true |
has_office365 | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Office365 account Ex: true |
has_hubspot | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Hubspot account Ex: true |
has_wordpress | boolean Equal to true if the user has a Wordpress account Ex: true |
avatar | string The avatar associated with the email address. Coming from different online sources Ex: https://... |
domain_age | integer Indicates how old is the company domain associated with the email address (in days) Ex: 365 |
domain_mx_is_valid | boolean Indicates if the email domain has a valid dns mx record Ex: true |
domain_mx_provider | string Indicates the email domain provider (dns mx record target) Ex: |
domain_registrar | string Specifies the authoritative company or organization responsible for registering the email domain in question Ex: MarkMonitor, Inc. |
domain_registered_to | string Specifies the individual or entity officially registered as the owner of the given email domain Ex: Google LLC |
score | integer A number ranging from 0 to 1000 represents the quality of the email Ex: 649 |
score_cluster | string A cluster summarizing the quality of the email_address Ex: very_high Enum: very_low,low,review,high,very_high |
company_name | string The name of the company the user works for, contains the full name Ex: Apple |
company_description | string A verbose description description of the company the user works for Ex: Apple Inc. is an American... |
company_industry | string Indicates the industry/sector of the company using a standard taxonomy Ex: Internet Software & Services |
company_employees | integer Indicates the number of employees of the company Ex: 1750 |
company_job_title | string Indicates the job title of the user gathered using OSINT methodologies Ex: Sales Manager |
company_founded | integer Indicates the year when the company was founded Ex: 2014 |
company_keywords | string A list of keywords used in the company description Ex: smartphone,tech |
company_annual_revenue | integer int64 Indicates our proprietary estimated annual revenue range for company Ex: 17630000000 |
company_logo | string An url linking to the the logo of the company associcated with the email address Ex: https://... |
company_country | string Indicates the country name of the company headquarter Ex: Italy |
company_twitter_url | string Provides a link to the company twitter account, links is always pointing to twitter domain Ex: https://... |
company_facebook_url | string Provides the Facebook url of the company, links is always pointing to facebook domain Ex: https://... |
company_linkedin_url | string Provides the Linkedin url of the company, links is always pointing to linkedin domain Ex: https://... |
company_total_funding | integer Provides the total amount of funding raised by company Ex: https://... |
company_tech_stack | string Indicates the set of technologies uses by the company Ex: JavaScript |
employment | string The profession the user declared on social networks Ex: JavaScript |
domain_website_exists | boolean Indicates if the domain of the email exists or not Ex: true |
domain_website_exists_taxonomy | string Indicates in which taxonomy the domain of the email is categorized - TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_EXISTS: There is a website associated with this domain - TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_ERROR: The website associated with this domain is unreachable - TAXONOMY_REDIRECT: The website contains a redirection to another website - TAXONOMY_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS: The website performs a redirect from the HTTP protocol to the HTTPS protocol - TAXONOMY_PARKED_DOMAIN: The domain is of the "parked" type - TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_HOSTING: The website is from a provider or hosting - TAXONOMY_NO_CONTENT: The website is empty - TAXONOMY_TIMEOUT: The website does not respond in an acceptable time Ex: TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_EXISTS Enum: TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_EXISTS,TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_ERROR,TAXONOMY_REDIRECT,TAXONOMY_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS,TAXONOMY_PARKED_DOMAIN,TAXONOMY_WEBSITE_HOSTING,TAXONOMY_NO_CONTENT,TAXONOMY_TIMEOUT |
domain_website_exists_ssl | boolean Indicates if the domain has an SSL certificate Ex: true |
account_length | integer Length of the email address stripped of the domain Ex: 10 |
account_dots_count | integer Number of dots in the email address stripped of the domain Ex: 1 |
account_numbers_count | integer Number of digits in the email address stripped of the domain Ex: 0 |
account_letters_count | integer Number of letters in the email address stripped of the domain Ex: 9 |
account_symbols_count | integer Number of symbols in the email address stripped of the domain Ex: 1 |
account_vowels_count | integer Number of vowels in the email address stripped of the domain Ex: 3 |
account_consonants_count | integer Number of consonants in the email address stripped of the domain Ex: 6 |
account_dots_ratio | number float Number of dots in relation to the email account length Ex: 0.1 |
account_numbers_ratio | number float Number of digits in relation to the email account length Ex: 0 |
account_letters_ratio | number float Number of letters in relation to the email account length Ex: 0.9 |
account_symbols_ratio | number float Number of symbols in relation to the email account length Ex: 0.1 |
account_vowels_ratio | number float Number of vowels in relation to the email account length Ex: 0.3 |
account_consonants_ratio | number float Number of consonants in relation to the email account length Ex: 0.6 |
contains_first_name | boolean Indicates if a first name have been found in email account Ex: true |
contains_last_name | boolean Indicates if a last name have been found in email account Ex: true |
parsed_first_name | string The first name detected in email account, using a proprietary parsing algorithm Ex: Tony |
parsed_last_name | string The last name detected in email account, using a proprietary parsing algorithm Ex: Stark |
parsed_name_is_valid | boolean Indicates if the combination of first and last name parsed from email account could be fake Ex: true |
parsed_name_risk_type | string Provides further information about the account parsed name when it could be fake Ex: FICTIONAL Enum: FAMOUS,OTHER,INVALID,STRING_SIMILARITY,FICTIONAL,RANDOM_TYPING,PLACEHOLDER,VULGAR,HUMOROUS,INVALID_CHARACTERS |
did_you_mean | string Indicates the detection of a possible typo in the email Ex: [email protected] |
has_stop_words | boolean The email contains stop words such as "nomail", "noemail Ex: true |
has_facebook | boolean Indicates if the email have been found in facebook Ex: true |
has_apple | boolean Equal to true if the user has an Apple account Ex: true |
has_ebay | boolean Indicates if the email have been found on ebay Ex: true |
has_disney_plus | boolean Indicates if the email have been found on disney Ex: true |
data_breaches_count | integer Number of data breaches found associated with the email address Ex: 0 |
data_breaches_first_breach | string Date of the eventual first data breach registered for the email address Ex: 2020-01-02 |
data_breaches_last_breach | string Date of the eventual last data breach registered for the email address Ex: 2020-01-02 |
data_breaches_list | string List of the first 10 data breaches, including data breach name and date Ex: Databreach#1,2016-10-13|Databreach#2,2021-05-10|... |
data_breaches_data | string Contains the data breaches, returned in json format, linked to the email address Ex: [{"id":"41720","date":"2023-03-09","title":"Sensitive Source"},{"id":"40870","date":"2023-01-06","title":"Deezer"},{"id":"37248","date":"2021-03-04","title":"Sensitive Source"},{"id":"18023","date":"2020-09-17","title":"Scraped Gravatar Profiles"},{"id":"17871","date":"2020-08-13","title":""AntiPub Drugs Squad" Combolist"},{"id":"16296","date":"2018-11-29","title":"Sensitive Source"},{"id":"259","date":"2017-03-15","title":"GeekedIn"},{"id":"407","names":[{"first_name":"Peter","last_name":"Parker"},{"first_name":"Tony","last_name":"Stark"}],"phones":["393493333333","393493333334"],"date":"2017-01-16","title":"GeckoVPN,| SuperVPN"}] |
data_breaches_data_lists | string Contains the data breaches list aggregated by names, emails and phones linked to the email address Ex: {"names":[{"first_name":"Peter","last_name":"Parker","count":1},{"first_name":"Tony","last_name":"Stark","count":1}],"emails":[],"phones":[{"value":"393493333333","count":1},{"value":"393493333334","count":1}]}s |
has_paypal | boolean Indicates if the email have been found on paypal Ex: true |
has_binance | boolean Indicates if the email have been found on binance Ex: true |
has_google | boolean Indicates if the email have been found on google Ex: true |
google_profile_picture | string A public URL containing the Google profile picture Ex: |
google_id | string Indicates the identification code of the users google account Ex: 000000000000000000000 |
google_first_name | string Indicates the first name of the user coming from a google profile Ex: Tony |
google_last_name | string Indicates the last name of the user coming from a google profile Ex: Stark |
google_last_edit | string Indicates the last time the google profile was edited Ex: 1683970126896 |
google_active_services_count | integer Indicates the number of active google services for the user Ex: 3 |
google_active_services_list | string Indicates the list of active google services for the user Ex: PHOTOS,MAPS,NEWS_360 |
google_reviews_count | integer Indicates the count of google reviews made by the user Ex: 4 |
google_review_link | string Indicates the link of google review of the profile Ex: |
google_location | string Indicates the most reviewed location of profile's google review page Ex: Milan |
linkedin_profile_page | string Contains the web address of the Linkedin profile Ex: |
has_yahoo | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Yahoo account Ex: true |
has_skype | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Skype account Ex: true |
skype_profile_picture | string A public URL containing the Skype profile picture Ex: |
skype_city | string The name of the city registered in the Skype account Ex: Milan |
skype_country_code | string The international country code registered in the Skype account, in ISO3166 alpha-2 Ex: IT Enum: AB, AD, AE, AF, AG, AI, AL, AM, AO, AQ, ... |
skype_country | string The name of the country registered in the Skype account Ex: Lombardy |
skype_state | string The name of the state registered in the Skype account Ex: Italy |
skype_name | string The name of the user registered in the Skype account Ex: Mario |
skype_id | string The skype username of the account associated to the email Ex: live:cid1234567 |
has_gravatar | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Gravatar account Ex: true |
gravatar_profile_picture | string A public URL containing the Gravatar profile picture Ex: |
gravatar_first_name | string The First name of the user registered in gravatar Ex: Tony |
gravatar_last_name | string The Last name of the user registered in gravatar Ex: Stark |
gravatar_username | string The Username of the user registered in gravatar Ex: iron |
gravatar_city | string The name of the city that the user registered in gravatar Ex: Milan |
phone_partials_count | integer Contains the number of partial phone numbers linked to the email address Ex: 1 |
phone_partials_list | string Contains the aggregated partial phone numbers linked to the email address Ex: *58 |
email_partials_count | integer Contains the number of partial email address linked to the email address Ex: 2 |
email_partials_list | string Contains the aggregated partial email address linked to the email address Ex: t*@g**.,t.s**@g**.*** |
image_source | string The social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture: - skype - gravatar - social Ex: google Enum: google,skype,gravatar,social |
image_labels | string List of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on. For more information about image labels you can go to Image Labels Ex: Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|... |
face1_labels | string List of labels associated with the first face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
face1_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the first face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
face1_age_range | string Age range of the first face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
face1_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the first face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
face1_celebrity_name | string When the first face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
face2_labels | string List of labels associated with the second face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
face2_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the second face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
face2_age_range | string Age range of the second face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
face2_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the second face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
face2_celebrity_name | string When the second face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
face3_labels | string List of labels associated with the third face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
face3_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the third face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
face3_age_range | string Age range of the third face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
face3_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the third face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
face3_celebrity_name | string When the third face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
image2_source | string The social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture: - skype - gravatar - social Ex: google Enum: google,skype,gravatar,social |
image2_labels | string List of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on. For more information about image labels you can go to Image Labels Ex: Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|... |
image2_face1_labels | string List of labels associated with the first face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
image2_face1_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the first face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
image2_face1_age_range | string Age range of the first face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
image2_face1_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the first face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
image2_face1_celebrity_name | string When the first face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
image2_face2_labels | string List of labels associated with the second face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
image2_face2_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the second face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
image2_face2_age_range | string Age range of the second face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
image2_face2_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the second face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
image2_face2_celebrity_name | string When the second face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
image2_face3_labels | string List of labels associated with the third face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
image2_face3_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the third face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
image2_face3_age_range | string Age range of the third face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
image2_face3_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the third face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
image2_face3_celebrity_name | string When the third face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
image3_source | string The social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture: - skype - gravatar - social Ex: google Enum: google,skype,gravatar,social |
image3_labels | string List of labels associated with the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|". There are more than 3500 labels that might indicate bodyparts, people, animals, food, places, colors, events, musical instruments and so on. For more information about image labels you can go to Image Labels Ex: Dimples,99.999710083008|Head,99.999710083008|Face,99.999710083008|... |
image3_face1_labels | string List of labels associated with the first face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
image3_face1_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the first face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
image3_face1_age_range | string Age range of the first face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
image3_face1_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the first face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
image3_face1_celebrity_name | string When the first face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
image3_face2_labels | string List of labels associated with the second face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
image3_face2_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the second face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
image3_face2_age_range | string Age range of the second face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
image3_face2_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the second face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
image3_face2_celebrity_name | string When the second face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
image3_face3_labels | string List of labels associated with the third face in the photo and relative confidence, separated by "|" Ex: label1,98.2837|label2,91.23323 |
image3_face3_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the third face found, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
image3_face3_age_range | string Age range of the third face found in the photo Ex: 12-16 |
image3_face3_is_celebrity | boolean Indicates whether the third face found in the photo matches a known celebrity Ex: true |
image3_face3_celebrity_name | string When the third face found in the photo matches a celebrity, indicate the name Ex: Robert Downey Jr. |
reason_codes | string Comma separated risk and trust signal for the product email. For more information about reason codes you can go to Reason Codes Ex: TP001,RP001 |
google_name_is_valid | boolean Indicates if the name obtained from the google profile associated to the provided email address is valid Ex: true |
google_name_risk_type | string Provides further information about the name obtained from the google profile associated to the provided email address when it could be fake Ex: OTHER Enum: FAMOUS,OTHER,INVALID,STRING_SIMILARITY,FICTIONAL,RANDOM_TYPING,PLACEHOLDER,VULGAR,HUMOROUS,INVALID_CHARACTERS |
google_name_gender | string The gender derived from the name obtained from the google profile associated to the provided email address Ex: F Enum: F,M |
has_duolingo | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Duolingo account Ex: true |
duolingo_has_google_id | boolean Equal to true if the duolingo account is linked with a Google account Ex: true |
duolingo_has_facebook_id | boolean Equal to true if the duolingo account is linked with a Facebook account Ex: true |
identity_device_count | integer The number of devices associated with this email Ex: 2 |
identity_ip_count | integer The number of ip addresses associated with this email Ex: 2 |
identity_msisdn_count | integer The number of phones associated with this email Ex: 2 |
identity_name_count | integer The number of names associated with this email Ex: 2 |
has_booking | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Booking account Ex: true |
has_samsung | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Samsung account Ex: true |
has_atlassian | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Atlassian account Ex: true |
has_lastpass | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has a Lastpass account Ex: true |
has_adobe | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has an Adobe account Ex: true |
has_freelancer | boolean Equal to true if the email is linked or has an Freelancer account Ex: true |
faces_similarity1 | boolean Indicates whether the detected faces in the first group are considered a match. Ex: true |
faces_similarity1_image1 | string The URL of the first image in the pair being compared. Ex: https://... |
faces_similarity1_image2 | string The URL of the second image in the pair being compared. Ex: https://... |
faces_similarity1_image1_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the face in the first image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top. Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
faces_similarity1_image2_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the face in the second image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top. Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
faces_similarity2 | boolean Indicates whether the detected faces in the second group are considered a match. Ex: true |
faces_similarity2_image1 | string The URL of the first image in the pair being compared. Ex: https://... |
faces_similarity2_image2 | string The URL of the second image in the pair being compared. Ex: https://... |
faces_similarity2_image1_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the face in the first image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top. Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
faces_similarity2_image2_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the face in the second image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top. Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
faces_similarity3 | boolean Indicates whether the detected faces in the third group are considered a match. Ex: true |
faces_similarity3_image1 | string The URL of the first image in the pair being compared. Ex: https://... |
faces_similarity3_image2 | string The URL of the second image in the pair being compared. Ex: https://... |
faces_similarity3_image1_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the face in the first image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top. Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
faces_similarity3_image2_bounding_box | string Coordinates of the face in the second image of the pair being compared, in the format: Width, Height, Left, Top. Ex: 0.93,0.23,10,12 |
first_seen | string The earliest date our system has on record for the email address. Ex: 2019-05-20 |
domain_internal_links_count | integer The count of links with the same domain inside the page Ex: 4 |
domain_external_links_count | integer The count of links with external domain inside the page Ex: 8 |
domain_internal_email_links_count | integer The count of email links with the same domain inside the page Ex: 15 |
domain_external_email_links_count | integer The count of email links with external domain inside the page Ex: 16 |
domain_internal_images_count | integer The count of image links with the same domain inside the page Ex: 23 |
domain_external_images_count | integer The count of image links with external domain inside the page Ex: 42 |
domain_page_size | integer Specifies the size, in bytes, of the web page corresponding to the email domain Ex: 1057 |
to_name | string A json string representing the most likely name extracted across all the sources of the email address. Ex: {"first_name":"tony", "last_name":"Stark", "confidence": "HIGH"} |
has_image_reverse_search | string It shows if there are reverse search results for all, none or some profile pictures Ex: ALL |
image_reverse_search | string A JSON object containing the results of a reverse image search for the profile picture, including websites where the image appears along with the link, name, icon, and domain. Ex: |
image_reverse_search_source | string The social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture: - skype - gravatar - social Ex: google Enum: google,skype,gravatar,social |
image2_reverse_search | string A JSON object containing the results of a reverse image search for the profile picture, including websites where the image appears along with the link, name, icon, and domain. Ex: |
image2_reverse_search_source | string The social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture: - skype - gravatar - social Ex: google Enum: google,skype,gravatar,social |
image3_reverse_search | string A JSON object containing the results of a reverse image search for the profile picture, including websites where the image appears along with the link, name, icon, and domain. Ex: |
image3_reverse_search_source | string The social or messaging app in that has this photo as profile picture: - skype - gravatar - social Ex: google Enum: google,skype,gravatar,social |